
The ultimate objective of ANYWHERE is to empower exposed responder institutions and citizens to enhance their anticipation and pro-active capacity of response to face extreme and high-impact weather and climate events. This will be achieved through the operational implementation of cutting-edge innovative technology as the best way to enhance citizen’s protection and saving lives. ANYWHERE…


OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks Severe hydro-meteorological phenomena are having a high impact in European territories and are of global concern. The science behind these phenomena is complex and advancement in knowledge proceeds with progress in data acquisition and forecasting useful for real-scenario interventions. The employment of nature-based solutions (NBS)…


E2mC (Evolution of Emergency Copernicus services) project aims at demonstrating the technical and operational feasibility of the integration of social media analysis and crowd-sourced information within both the Mapping and Early Warning Components of Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS).  The Project will develop a prototype of a new EMS Service Component (Copernicus Witness), designed to exploit social media…